And the woman created...
Within Art Paris Art Fair 2015, the Gallery Géraldine Banier presents the creations of the Italian artist Francesca Gagliardi. This artist loving of the work of materials questions through its works the ambivalent position of the Woman in our modern societies, rolled around between self-decision and constant fight for the control of her image.
Under the effect of the artist, the Woman takes up with a mythological past when, as in search of a "Golden age", she adopts the feature and the attires of the Amazon adorned with her shield in half-moon.
At the same time matrix and symbol, the chosen material occupies a central place in the approach of the artist. From bronze to crochet-work lace, from aluminum to leather, Francesca Gagliardi forges the metamorphosis of a woman forced in a freed woman. The act of creation itself celebrates then the found independence and becomes the messenger of desires in progress.
Adrien Delvoye
PhD student in African Archeologa
Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University
The Metamorphosis Laboratory
"... The fetish objects, stereotypes of female imagination, evocate labyrinths in the textures of Francesca Gagliardi who makes mockery of clichés and female fragilities, merely made of body and appearance. Instead, she focuses on the charming strength - thought, intuition and sensuality, at the same time. This way, a soft, warm and seductive red lipstick, becomes a sparkly cartridge, dart and flag of an amazon ready for war, ready to question herself and her world to get out from a wombs and bowels pod, converted in a butterfly.
... Laces, faint embroideries of generations of women are transformed, in Gagliardi work, in metallic shields: “totemic” symbols that act as paradigms to defend women from the society, where strengths and weaknesses, temptations and defenses play the life’s metamorphosis by trial and error. “
Mara Folini
Directrice of Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna di Ascona -Svizzera
Et la femme créa...
Dans le cadre de l'édition 2015 de Art Paris Art Fair, la Galerie Géraldine Banier présente les créations de l'artiste italienne Francesca Gagliardi. Cette plasticienne amoureuse du travail des matériaux questionne à travers ses oeuvres la position ambivalente de la Femme dans nos sociétés modernes, ballotée entre autodécision et lutte constante pour la maîtrise de son image.
Sous l'action de l'artiste, la Femme renoue avec un passé mythologique où, comme à la recherche d'un « Age d’Or », elle y adopte les traits et les atours de l’Amazone parée de son bouclier en demi-lune.
A la fois matrice et symbole, la matière choisie occupe une place centrale dans la démarche de l'artiste. Du bronze à la dentelle au crochet, de l'aluminium au cuir, Francesca Gagliardi forge la métamorphose d'une femme contrainte en une femme libérée. L’acte de création lui-même célèbre alors l’indépendance retrouvée et devient le messager de désirs en devenir.
Adrien Delvoye
Doctorant en Archéologie africaine
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Il Laboratorio delle metamorfosi
"…E labirinti si evocano in oggetti -feticcio- stereotipi dell'immaginario femminile - negli orditi di Francesca Gagliardi che si fa sberleffo di luoghi comuni, di fragilità' femminili, di solo corpo e apparenza , facendo perno sulla forza ammaliante -a un tempo pensiero, intuito e sensualità' - che fa di un rossetto rosso, morbido, accogliente e seduttivo, una cartuccia luminosa, dardo e vessillo d'amazzone pronta alla guerra, a interrogare se' e il mondo, per uscire, trasformandosi, dal baccello di uteri e viscere, come farfalla.
…Pizzi,ricami leggeri di generazioni al femminile si trasformano, nell'opra della Gagliardi, in scudo metallico: segno "totemico' che si fa da paradigma per la difesa della donna dalla so-cietà, dove forze e debolezze, seduzioni e difese giocano la metamorfosi di una vita per tentativi."
Mara Folini
Direttrice del Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna di Ascona.